Issyk-Kul is an lake in the northern Tian Shan mountains in eastern Kyrgyzstan, in the centre of Asia.

At the bottom of Issyk-Kul, the legendary ancient city of Chigu seems to have been discovered. The underwater work site is about 6 metres deep. In the crystal-clear water of Issyk-Kul, the remains can be seen even from the surface. Specialists dive several times a day, in two groups. According to scientists, in all their practice, they have not seen so many ancient objects. Every hour they work, there are kilograms of artifacts.

Иссык-Куль – озеро на севере гор Тянь-Шаня на востоке Кыргызстана, в центре Азии.

На дне Иссык-Куля, похоже, обнаружен легендарный древний город Чигу. Объект подводных работ находится на глубине около 6 метров. В кристально-чистой воде Иссык-Куля его видно даже с поверхности. Погружаются по несколько раз на дню, двумя группами. По словам ученых, за всю свою практику они не встречали такого количества древних предметов. Каждый час работы — килограммы артефактов.

Materials from the article “Antique and medieval settlements at the bottom of Issyk-Kul“:

In Kara-Oi Bay, 2.5 kilometres from the shore, working at a depth of 5 to 10 metres off the northern shore of the lake, we saw huge walls up to half a kilometre long underwater. This is a sign of a large city, which could be several square kilometres in size. The scale for those times is enormous. Literally on the last day of the 2003 field season, we lifted two perfectly preserved bronze sacrificial boilers from the bottom of the lake.

Материалы из статьи “Античные и средневековые городища на дне Иссык-Куля“:

В заливе Кара-Ой на расстоянии 2,5 км от берега, работая на глубине от 5 до 10 метров у северного побережья озера, мы видели под водой огромные стены, длиной до полукилометра. Это – признак большого города, площадь которого могла составлять несколько квадратных километров. Масштаб по тем временам колоссальный. Буквально в последний день полевого сезона 2003 г. со дна озера нами были подняты два бронзовых жертвенных котла прекрасной сохранности.

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… it is paradoxical that the first slaveholder to legitimize slavery in America was the Afro-American Anthony Johnson.

“Anthony & Mary Johnson, Free Blacks in Virginia”

In 1619, when he arrived in Jamestown, his name was Antonio from Angola. He was brought to Jamestown by a Danish with a group of captives and sold as a servant to colonist Nathaniel Littleton. The colony needed workers, and the residents willingly purchased captives and convicts from Europe.
But in those days, there was no lifelong bondage or slavery in our understanding. Such indentured servants were paid for their labor and after working 7-10 years, they became free people. It also happened with Antonio from Angola. In 1635, the owner released him.
By this time, the former slave changed his name to English and became Anthony Johnson. He got married, he had a son Willie (the first black, born on American soil). Apparently, things went well for him, because in 1651 the Virginia colonial government, following its law aimed at expanding the cultivated land, gave him 250 acres of farmland – 50 acres for each new servant. That is, by that time Anthony was able to buy himself a slave, convicts and debtors, black and white. So a former slave from Angola became the owner (but not the lifelong proprietor) of five indentured servants.
The next stage of the development of the black planter Anthony Johnson is found in 1654, when he filed a lawsuit against a white neighbor, to whom his “Negro servant, John Casor” ran. Casor, a young black servant, claimed that the “Old Negro” (Anthony’s official name in court) had detained him for seven years longer than required by state law. At the time, this was a common charge: the captives were suing their masters and, as a rule, the court took the side of the servants.
Realizing that he would have to pay substantial compensation for the delay of a servant in bondage, Anthony filed a lawsuit against the white planter Robert Parker, who had sheltered a fugitive black servant, claiming that Casor was a free man. Black man Johnson managed to prove in court that black man Casor belongs to him for life as property. It was he who became the ancestor of plantation slavery in North America, creating a judicial precedent for lifelong bondage.

In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet.
According to the 1790 census, in Charleston, South Carolina, 36 of the 102 (35.2%) black men who had families were slaves. In 1800, one in three free African-American men who lived in this city had slaves. In 1860 10689 free blacks living in New Orleans, Louisiana, more than 3 thousand had slaves. Also living in Louisiana, the widow C. Richards and her son had 152 slaves. In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 there were 137 (according to other data 125) black slaves, in North Carolina – 69.
One of the richest black slave owners in South Carolina was William Allison, who had a thousand acres and 63 slaves. After the outbreak of the Civil War, Allison sent his slaves as assistants and servants in the Confederate Army, and his grandson, John Wilson Bookner, on March 27, 1863 joined the 1st Artillery Regiment of South Carolina. It is worth noting that 80% of “black slaveholders” were mulatto, about 70% were women. This is mainly due to the fact that, as a rule, after the death of white “husband”, the ownership were given to mulatto cohabitants.


chispa1707chispa1707 wrote the following post Mon, 03 Aug 2020 08:58:27 +0300
Рабство как оно было
#^Рабство как оно было

Крайне важная находка.
Joe Doe

… парадоксально, что первым рабовладельцем, узаконившим рабство в Америке, стал негр Энтони Джонсон. И еще один занятный факт: доля рабовладельцев среди среди белых, считают историки, составляла от 5 до 7%, а среди чёрных – до 20–30%.
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Few people have heard the story of Boz and Antes. For some time i was doing a simple experiment – i asked my acquaintances about it in real life, none of them said yet: “I heard something about it.” But all of them heard the story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the robbers on Golgotha.

The Antes, or Antae (Greek: Áνται), were an early East Slavic tribal polity. They are commonly associated with the archaeological Penkovka culture.

Мало кто кроме специалистов слышал о Боже и антах. Какое-то время я даже проделывал простой эксперимент – спрашивал об этом у знакомых в реальной жизни, ещё ни один человек не сказал хотя бы: “да я что-то слышал об этом”. При этом все из них слышали историю про распятие Иисуса Христа и разбойников на Голгофе.

А́нты (др.-греч. Ἄνται) — название раннеславянских племён, применявшееся византийскими писателями. Полиэтнос, имевший зачатки государственности (вождь Бож, знать, войска). При Боже они наносили поражение готам, но были разгромлены войсками Амала Винитария (Витимира). Упоминаются в византийских и готских источниках.


Boz (slavic: Бож, Bozh) was the king of the Antes. His story is mentioned by Jordanes in the Getica; in the preceding years, the Ostrogoths under Ermanaric had conquered a large number of tribes in Central Europe (see Oium), including the Antes. Some years after the Ostrogothic defeat by the invading Huns, a king named Vinitharius, Ermanaric’s great-nephew, marched against the Antes of Boz and defeated them. Vinitharius condemned Boz, his sons, and seventy of his nobles, to crucifixion, in order to terrorize the Antes.

The crucifixion of Boz was the decline of the Antes. It is noteworthy that in traditional history, the crucifixion of Christ was at the decline of the Antiquity. Perhaps there is some etymological connection between the words “Antae” and “Antiquity”.


Бож (позднелат. Boz, Booz, Box) — вождь антов, упомянутый историком Иорданом в своём сочинении «О происхождении и деяниях гетов» в связи с войной против него остготского короля Витимира. Вначале готы потерпели от антов поражение, однако после стали действовать решительнее и смогли захватить в плен и распять Божа, его сыновей и 70 антских старейшин.

Фактически, распятие Божа – это закат антов. Примечательно, что в традиционной истории – распятие Христа – это закат античности. Возможно, есть какая-то этимологическая связь между словами “анты” и “античность”.
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